I am Krishna Man Shrestha from Nepal. I am a trekking and tour operator based in Kathmandu, Nepal and currently the head of Nepal Tibet Trekking P. Ltd. company where we organize trek tours in Nepal, Tibet and Bhutan. The revenue we earn is partly contributed to charity and social causes. Part of our profits is directed to providing basic health care, environmental help and especially education and empowerment for women in the remote regions of the Nepal. I have worked for many years as a trekking guide before starting my own company.

I have known Petra Martin since 2002 after she came to Nepal for trekking in Himalaya and I got the chance to guide her group. She has been my dearest friend and mentor ever since and a strong pillar after the catastrophic earthquake in 2015.

Petra has been fully sponsoring the education of my two children, one daughter and one son, in Nepal. It was because of her financial support that my son Mr. Simon Man Shrestha and daughter Miss Liza Shrestha have been able to get education.

My son Simon, aged 16, will soon start in high school. Similarly my daughter Liza, aged 19, has successfully finished her high school and is eagerly looking forward to joining a university. Since Nepal is a country largely based on agriculture, Liza is planning to pursue a Bachelor’s Degree in Agriculture or Animal Science; in the future she aims to work in the development and promotion of Agriculture in poor developing countries.

As a parent, I am extremely proud of the progress and achievements of my children. I have no doubt that they are on the path of becoming good and productive citizens of this country and the world.


Seitdem wir im Jahr 2002 den Annapurna-Trek mit Freunden gemacht haben, stehen wir mit Krishna und seiner Familie in Kontakt. Besonders berührt hat uns die Tatsache, dass Krishna sich selbst für Frauen- und Umweltbildung einsetzt. Um seinen Kindern eine Zukunft in diesen Bereichen zu ermöglichen, helfen wir bei der Finanzierung der Ausbildung.